Join us for the Orchard Ridge Neighborhood annual 4th of July celebration. The celebration includes a parade led by fire truck and then games and refreshments in Orchard Ridge park.
11:00am PARADE - starts promptly at 11am at the East corner of Loruth Terrace and Whitcomb Drive with decorated, bikes, scooters, strollers or floats. Line up after 10:30am. Our Grand Marshalls this year are Ron and Phila Poff. They have been residents since 1963.
11:30am PICNIC - Refreshments and games in Orchard Ridge park. Games include the candy dash, potato sack race, three-legged race, wheelbarrow race and water balloon toss. Bring you own picnic lunch and stay and socialize with your neighbors.
The celebration is sponsored by the Orchard Ridge Neighborhood Association
